Contact Information:

Angie Troutman, CEOE

Message from the Council Chairman:

If you are a member of NAEOP and work in a District, Central or State Office, you are automatically a member of this council. I encourage your participation in the networking opportunities that are available to you. Interacting with your peers across this nation gives you a huge and unlimited opportunity for growth, both professionally and personally.

If you are not a member of NAEOP, please consider becoming one. NAEOP is the only national association dedicated to educational office and support professionals. We all have ideas and advice that have helped us become the office professional that we are today, so let us share with one another as members of NAEOP’s Administrative Council.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding NAEOP or your membership in the Administrative Council. I am here to assist in any way that I can as we support President Henrick’s message to Aspire & Achieve with NAEOP.

Administrative Council Upcoming Events:

  • Coming Soon!