I never thought I would work for a school system. My first school job was as a Sweeper when I was in high school back in 1989. I also worked on a summer maintenance crew while attending junior college. I came to Natrona County School District in December 2012 when insurance was changing at my employer.
At the time we had two classified employee groups, one for the educational staff and one for the maintenance/support staff. Being new to my job, I didn't have plans to take a leadership position in the organization that represented the maintenance/support staff. These were a good introduction on how my organization worked through issues. Then as many organizations have experienced,we had a major decline in membership for both groups and the groups combined.
I continued membership and was recruited to be an executive member in 2018. I thought sure, why not. I could represent our classified staff on a committee or two, get the opportunity to meet the administration and maybe help with future professional opportunities. Little did I know, I would be thrust into multiple roles over the next few years. Going from general member, to an at-large representative to Treasurer and then President. During that whirlwind of change I attended my first NAEOP Conference in Boise. What a blast. The workshops and speakers really hit me in a way that made me reflect not only my work commitments but my personal life and volunteerism. I continue to use the knowledge and networking I gain through NAEOP to improve my leadership skills for my custodial crew, my school and my district.
Shocker to many, I am a reserved person until I feel at home with people or groups. During both Boise and Salt Lake City, I had the opportunity to meet so many new people and share my life journey. NAEOP conferences are a great place to gain professional development and networking. My Boise experience really was just the start of opening up to my new friends. I have not missed a conference since then!
— Jason Wynia, CESE
I started my career in the Ogden School District in October 1997 as a school head secretary. I was very young and had no experience in the educational setting, and I was working at one of the most highly impacted elementary schools in the district. The secretary I replaced invited me to join an association they organized to provide social events and professional development for secretaries in our district. While I do not remember exactly when I joined, I have records indicating that the association has been in existence since 2004. There have been a few times when the association took a hiatus due to leadership changes or retirements. The organization was never affiliated with NAEOP; they mainly worked with our state association and attended state-level conferences. Although I agreed to help and served on the board in different capacities throughout the years, I had not yet heard of NAEOP. It wasn’t until I attended a few state affiliate conferences that I learned about NAEOP, but I still did not fully understand the organization.
I attended my first NAEOP conference in Boise, Idaho, which opened my eyes to the possibilities for my own professional growth and the importance of networking and professional development. I believe this growth has helped me become a leader, presenter, and advocate for others, and it has catapulted me to where I am today: 27 years as an Administrative Assistant who started in an elementary school and is now the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and Board of Education.
After attending this conference, I returned excited and ready to revive our organization in our district. However, with a full plate at work and home, it felt overwhelming, and not much action was taken. I attended NAEOP 2022 in Salt Lake City and then NAEOP 2023 in Nebraska and again returned energized and ready to put some plans in place. I started recruiting others who were NAEOP members, formed our board, and discussed the option of becoming affiliated with NAEOP, highlighting the benefits over remaining non-affiliated as our organization had been for years. We continued our work, created our bylaws, and submitted our affiliation application. We are proud to say that, for the first time since our organization's inception, we are NAEOP affiliated. We had 23 members in OAEOP this year and were able to provide four 1-hour PD opportunities for our members. Together, we explored the Professional Standards Program, reviewed the application, examined the requirements, and determined if any of us were eligible to apply. This is something I had avoided for years because the PSP application process seemed so overwhelming. I am excited to say that we now have three board members, including myself, who have received our PSP certification and CEOE designation this year. We are excited to attend the 2024 NAEOP Conference and be part of the group recognized for this accomplishment.
We hope to continue our local organization and affiliation with NAEOP, opening up possibilities for personal growth for our members. I want them all to see the importance of professional development and networking, so they too can dream, inspire, and grow.
— Nelida Gil
I began work at Richland School District Two in 1991. After a couple of years, I left and then returned in 2015 after having been in the medical field for many years. Shortly after returning to the school district, I was invited to join my local association (RCAEOP). From there I was introduced to our state association (SCAEOP), and then NAEOP. I was so impressed with all of the opportunities that membership in these associations afforded me! Within the next year, I had gotten involved at all levels and was able to earn my CEOE through the Professional Standards Program. Not only did I benefit from earning the requirements (professional development and association leadership opportunities) but I also earned a national certification for my skills, knowledge and participation. I was so proud to walk the stage at the conference in St. Louis!
Since that time, I have re-certified my CEOE status, and have continued to participate in many areas of my local, state and national associations. It is my pleasure to serve on various committees and in various leadership roles as I hone my educational office skills and grow professionally. I enjoy the lifelong friendships I have developed within these associations as well, and the fellowship we enjoy at our national conferences. I have attended almost every year since I joined, and am looking forward to Little Rock this July. I enjoy the variety of workshops offered, and a chance to hear from encouraging and motivating speakers, participating in the conduction of the business of our national association, and the opportunity to see other parts of our country. It is the highlight of my summer to attend the national conference! NAEOP has been integral in my professional growth and I am so thankful to belong to such a wonderful, supportive organization!
— Sandra D. Baker, CEOE
Who knew that when I raised my hand at my second State of Maine Association conference meeting (2006) to be nominated as their vice president, I would become part of supportive community where members are encouraged to thrive and excel! Not only on the state level, but nationally!
In 2012, I joined NAEOP, for more professional development opportunities. I was very pleased with the level of options available from workshops to webinars, conferences, and summits! You were able to find what fit your schedule, either in person or virtually. And it all leads to a nationally recognized certificate, Professional Standard Program (PSP) and Certified Educational Office Employee (CEOE) or Certified Educational Support Employee (CESE).
Being a girl from central Maine, it was nice to network with those who “got” me. They talked my language and not only understood but could give me very positive feedback. Most importantly, NAEOP fosters many leadership opportunities - Let me tell you about my experience with NAEOP—it's been nothing short of amazing! Holding an office at the state level was a great experience, and working on committees at the national level introduced me to even more leadership possibilities. In January 2021 I was appointed to be on the NAEOP Board as their Administrative Council Chairman, which I held for two years 2022 and 2023.
In summary, NAEOP has been instrumental in my professional growth, providing invaluable networking, professional development, and leadership opportunities that have assisted with my personal and professional growth. So why have you not clicked on the “Join Today” button – it’s easy and it opens a whole new world!
— Vivian Champagne
I began working at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) in 2017 as an Academic Advisor. Once I had settled into my new role, I started looking into professional development opportunities at the university. I have always had the desire to continue learning and growing in some form or fashion. A coworker of mine and I were talking one day, and she happened to tell me about how she was gathering a bunch of paperwork for some kind of certificate that would help her get a raise – at least, that’s all I really understood about what she was telling me at the time. Then, she invited me to my first USM Association of Office Professionals (AOP) meeting. Ever since that meeting, I was excited to become involved in AOP, not just for the opportunity to make a little extra money – which is always nice – but because I shared many of the values that our USM-AOP (and NAEOP) embodies: continuous learning, camaraderie, and community service.
Once I started my Professional Standards Program journey, I became a member of the Mississippi Association of Educational Office Professionals (MAEOP), our state chapter, and then NAEOP. I attended my first NAEOP annual conference in July 2023, and my expectations for the conference were totally exceeded. The conference sessions were extremely relevant and beneficial, and the presenters were very knowledgeable. Even more than that, as soon as I walked into the room, I could just sense I was in a place full of “my people.” I could tell that each person I interacted with had a big heart, a spirit of kindness, and a passion for bettering themselves and helping others! I hope to attend many more conferences in the future!
— Joyce Powell, Ed.D., CEOE
I was first introduced to my local association A.E.O.P.N (Association of Educational Office Professionals-Norfolk) in 2013-14. Once I joined my local association, I then joined my state association V.A.E.O.P (Virginia Association of Educational Office Professionals) then the N.A.E.O.P. My first conference was in Alexandria, Virginia. After meeting so many wonderful people with amazing energy. I was hooked. I became president of my local association in 2017-2019. I have been the PSP chair since becoming a member. I try to attend every year just to see old friends and meet new friends. Professional developments are very much needed as they have equipped me with the skills & knowledge that help me on a daily basis at my place of work. Coming to the conference and speaking with others reassures me that I am not alone as we all experience the same issues. I have received some valuable ideas/suggestions that I have been able to take back to my office and share with other staff. I am thankful for the opportunity to collaborate with other office professionals who recognize my daily struggles working for the school system. I hope they know how much of a blessing they have truly been. I try to bring a little of each state that hosts the conference that I attend home with me, so I never forget the wonderful experiences that I had the pleasure to enjoy while at the national conferences. I became a first-time mentor this year in Nebraska, I hope I was able to leave my mentee with an impression so big that she will be hooked as well and will want to continue to attend as many conferences as her heart will allow.
— Chantel Williams, CEOE
PSP State Chairman