
The National Association of Retired Educational Office Professionals is dedicated to the achievement of professionalism of retired educational office professionals, to support and encourage attendance and participation in all retired professional activities and in public issues which relate to education.

Jackie & Anne L. Evans Scholarship

The Jackie and Anne L. Evans Scholarship is given to a grandchild or great-grandchild of a NAREOP member in good standing who meets the scholarship requirements. Two scholarships of $1000 (one thousand dollars) shall be awarded each year providing funds are available.

History – A Goal Achieved

The establishment of the retired membership category in the National Association of Educational Secretaries was the fruition of a labor of love by Frances Evans and Lois Lillie, life members of the Association.

The Board of Directors of the National Association of Educational Secretaries voted to establish the category of RETIRED MEMBERSHIP effective July 1, 1972 at the meeting of the Board prior to the 37th Annual NAES Conference in Greensboro, North Carolina this past summer.

The rights and privileges are as follows:

1. The purpose of this group shall be to work for the mutual interest of its members and NAES, and encourage attendance and participation at Conferences.

2. The NAES Membership Category of Retired Educational Secretary shall be open during the 1972-73 membership year to any educational secretary or educational office employee who has been a member of the National Association of Educational Secretaries. Membership shall be open in succeeding years to educational secretaries and educational office employees who have been members of the National Association of Educational Secretaries during the year immediately preceding retirement.

3. All members of this group shall receive the Washington Reporter Newsletter. If she is not a Life Member, she may subscribe to The National Educational Secretary Magazine if she wishes to receive it.

4. A member shall receive 50 percent reduction in Conference registration fees.

5. The membership card shall be issued by the NAES National Office.

6. The NAES President shall appoint a chairman for this group; a committee shall be selected by the chairman, with approval of the NAES Board of Directors.

7. Members shall have the privilege of voting

The Retired Educational Secretary membership category is optional for Life Members sho will always retain the full benefits of Life Membership. Life Members upon retiring might be interested in joining this new membership category as special mailings will give them information on activities and personalities which are unique to this membership group.

NAES membership overwhelmingly voted for the dues which the Board of Directors recommended for the membership category of Retired Educational Secretary. Dues of $3 per year for Annual Members and $1 per year for Life Members were approved by 1,333 to 195 votes. Article III, Classes of Membership, Section 4 of the NAES Bylaws states that annual dues for all classes of membership shall be established by the membership.

Frances Evans and Lois Lillie are serving as National Co-Chairmen of the Retired Membership Committee during the 1972-73 membership year. They may be contacted at 150 South Bradford, Dover, Delaware 19001. Retired members are urged to send copy and suggestions for BEAM to the Nation Co-Chairmen. Committee members may be contacted at the following addresses.

Mrs. Martha H. Bond, 76 Booth Street, Stratford, Conn 06497
Mrs. Gladys V. McNutly, 2 Jackson Ave., S. Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801
Mrs. Corinne Messenger, 4005 West 25th Street, Little Rock, Ark. 72204
Mrs. Bettye R. Wells, 8235 Moody Street, Buena Park, CA 90623

Copied in its entirety from the first BEAM
Vol.1, No.1 November 1972
Given by Dot Aiken, CEOE – SC

Editor – NAES Executive Secretary Kathleen Meyer
Contributing Editors – Frances Evans and Lois Lillie
Masthead Design – Mary Koehler

NAREOP Newsletters

2024-2025 NAREOP Board

Donna Tapp, CEOE, President
Sharon Lucas, CEOE, President Elect
Colleen Clarke, CEOE, Vice President
Maria Sara Gonzalez, Secretary
Connie Van Hoesen, CEOE, Presidential Advisor
Ellen Gamel, CEOE, Parliamentarian
Sharon Lucas, CEOE, Immediate Past President
Rebecca Shipley, Co-Scholarship Chairman
Linda Rush, Co-Scholarship Chairman