Contact Information:
Cathy McHenry, CEOE
Phone: 717-860-9470
Message from the Area Director:
Welcome NAEOP Northeast Area Members! As a member of the National Association of Educational Office Professionals, you are automatically a member of the Northeast Area if you reside in one of the listed states.
As the Northeast Area Director, I have been asked to be the Chairman of the Public Relations Committee. I hope many of you will participate on a NAEOP committee this year. We need your great ideas and you will receive wonderful professional development. Contact the chairman of the committee you wish to join for more details.
Join me in being an ambassador for NAEOP by spreading the word about our association. Many of your colleagues are looking for places to connect and opportunities to learn. They will only find out about NAEOP through you. If there is anything I can do to support your efforts, please let me know.
Northeast Area Upcoming Events:
Send Event and Conference news to
Other NAEOP Affiliate events are located on the Professional Development page
Northeast Area Board Information
The Northeast Area became an affiliate of NAEOP in early 2021. We approved Bylaws, made the organization an official 501(c)3, and the President of the Northeast Area of NAEOP is the Northeast Area Director as elected by the NAEOP membership. The President appoints a Secretary and Treasurer as well as Committee Chairmen. Below is a list of our 2022-23 Board members and upcoming meetings.
President - Cathy McHenry, CEOE (PA)
Secretary - Deborah Brown, CEOE (NH)
Treasurer - Kelly Rocco, CEOE (OH)
Audit - Connie Van Hoesen, CEOE (NY)
Budget - Kelly Rocco, CEOE (OH)
Bylaws - Kathie Jarvis, CEOE (NY)
Professional Development - Teresa Craft (DE)
Scholarship & Awards - Cathy Dudley, CEOE (NY)
All Northeast Area members are welcome to join a committee.
Contact or the committee chairman listed above. -
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Tuesday, May 27; 5:30 - 6:30
The Board meets as noted above from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. in Google Meet. If you would like to attend, email no later than one week in advance of the meeting. Meeting packets are sent to area members a few days before the meeting.