*Not Eligible for Professional Standards Program Points*

Title: Accessibility 101

Title: The Nuts and Bolts of Writing a Successful Resume and Cover letter

Title: From Google Forms to Excel

Title: Learn how to use Pivot Tables

Title: What is Resiliency?

Title: Learning To Collaborate with Teams

Title: Optimizing Outlook

Title: Microsoft Teams Tips Pt 2

Title: Remediating PDFs

Title: Business Writing 101

Title: Self-Care as a Means of Achieving Mental Health

Title: 10 Tips for Creating Engaging Presentations

Title: Stress 101

Title: How to Get More From Google Products

Title: Powering Your Data Analysis Using Pivot Tables

Title: Web Accessibility Practically Applied

Title: Powering Your Data Analysis Using Pivot Tables

Title: Empowering Your PowerPoint

Title: Effective Remote Presentations

Title: Discover How To Use Teams to Connect Remotely

Title: How to Create a Google Presenter Site

Title: Microsoft Teams Tips Pt. 1